Background Color Html Code

BACKGROUND COLOR HTML CODE : zip code allentown nj : tennessee zip codes list.

Background Color Html Code

    background color

  • The color that appears to be “behind” the designs and borders of the throw rug. The background color is usually the dominant color of the throw rug.
  • The area of a display screen or printed area not covered by characters and graphics. For web publishers, Logo Lab helps determine the right artwork to use with your background color.
  • Web colors are colors used in designing web pages, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors. Hexadecimal color codes begin with a hash (#).

    html code

  • (Html coding) HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for web pages. It is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of “tags” surrounded by angle brackets within the web page content. It is the building blocks of all basic websites.
  • symbols and letters that a web browser uses in order to properly display the content on a web page. A basic understanding of html code is very helpful, but it’s not necessary in order to create a web page.
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) has been in use since 1991, but HTML 4.0 (December 1997) was the first standardized version where international characters were given reasonably complete treatment.

background color html code


Taking little parts of the Photoshop file and seperating them out into individual assets allows me to write code that weaved the art, text and colors together into an interactive web page. Good design is based on separating out the 3 major elements of a web page into different files in the background: HTML (the basic info like text and photos), CSS (the code that give the page it’s styles like font color and background imagery) and Script files like JavaScript or PHP (code that gives complex interactive behaviors to different parts of the page like rollover effect or filling out forms).

Exploding Post

Exploding Post
Chad (Antelope Reflections) and I ventured back out to Antelope Island for tonight’s sunset. The picture doesn’t begin to show how cold it was. There were very few clouds,but we did get a little color.

Best viewed enlarged which can be done by clicking on the photo once or twice until shown large on black background.

Real comments, suggestions and even constructive critiques appreciated and reciprocated. Generic and HTML code comments, images and awards cheerfully ignored.